Monday, July 17, 2006

Weekend Campaign Update

The campaign keeps moving along these days, and lot of great things happened in the campaign this past weekend.

On Friday evening, Mike met with a number of union members who were very interested in his effort to get elected this fall. Mike was extremely appreciative for the help a number of them were able to give to the campaign.

On Saturday and Sunday, Mike hit the ground and knocked on doors, canvassing throughout the district. He met a lot of great voters who asked him interesting questions, relayed their concerns about the community and encouraged him in his effort. By and large, Mike is finding that voters in this district are thirsty for representation in Salem who actually cares about their needs instead of the desires of the big special interests, and they are very surprised to see a candidate who is actually willing to take to the time to listen to their ideas for a change.

And on Sunday ActBlue, the online fundraising clearinghouse for Democrats and progressive causes, activated fundraising for non-federal candidates in Oregon for the first time. That means that we now have an even more efficient online fundraising tool that can be accessed at the "Contribute" tab above or at this link. If you are interested in putting a Mike Caudle fundraising button on your website or blog, please shoot us an email at


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