Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Celebrating Independence Day

Yesterday Mike, the campaign volunteers and I had a great time at General Canby Days, the Fourth of July Celebration in Canby.

Mike and I got to the event in the early morning to set up our booth, which was situated directly between the Wildlife Safari and a free summer camp for underpriviledged youth. We both jumped a bit when an alligator (or was it a crockodile?) walked behind us as a part of the safari booth. (At least I was a bit startled.)

During the course of the day Mike, the volunteers and I handed out several dozen campaign fliers to people in attendence and the feedback from the Canby residents was really positive. Voters in House District 39 are thirsty for a change to the gridlock and the career politicians in Salem and they see Mike as a great new alternative.

In the afternoon, Mike and crew -- which included his wife, his daughter, his father and several of his nieces and nephews -- participated in the parade through the streets of Canby. With the kids riding in the bed of a Ford F250 pickup, Mike walked along and handed out gum and information to the many people who lined the streets. Many, many cheers could be heard when the group passed by.

Although both Mike and I ended up gettting a bit of a sunburn -- as campaign manager, I take full responsibility for not coming equipped with sunscreen -- all in all the event was a big success.

(Pictures to be posted in a future blog story.)


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